Manzur Murshed
Manzur Murshed
Professor of Computer Science, Deakin University, Australia
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Gridsim: A toolkit for the modeling and simulation of distributed resource management and scheduling for grid computing
R Buyya, M Murshed
Concurrency and computation: practice and experience 14 (13‐15), 1175-1220, 2002
Virtual machine consolidation in cloud data centers using ACO metaheuristic
MH Ferdaus, M Murshed, RN Calheiros, R Buyya
Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing: 20th International Conference, Porto …, 2014
Search and tracking algorithms for swarms of robots: A survey
M Senanayake, I Senthooran, JC Barca, H Chung, J Kamruzzaman, ...
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 75, 422-434, 2016
A deadline and budget constrained cost-time optimisation algorithm for scheduling task farming applications on global grids
R Buyya, M Murshed
arXiv preprint cs/0203020, 2002
Scheduling parameter sweep applications on global Grids: a deadline and budget constrained cost–time optimization algorithm
R Buyya, M Murshed, D Abramson, S Venugopal
Software: Practice and Experience 35 (5), 491-512, 2005
Improved Gaussian mixtures for robust object detection by adaptive multi-background generation
M Haque, M Murshed, M Paul
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
Dynamic virtual machine consolidation algorithms for energy-efficient cloud resource management: a review
MA Khan, A Paplinski, AM Khan, M Murshed, R Buyya
Sustainable Cloud and Energy Services: Principles and Practice, 135-165, 2018
Adversarial network with multiple classifiers for open set domain adaptation
T Shermin, G Lu, SW Teng, M Murshed, F Sohel
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 23, 2732-2744, 2020
On stable dynamic background generation technique using Gaussian mixture models for robust object detection
M Haque, M Murshed, M Paul
2008 IEEE fifth international conference on advanced video and signal based …, 2008
Using the GridSim toolkit for enabling grid computing education
M Murshed, R Buyya
International Conference on Communication Networks and Distributed Systems …, 2002
An algorithm for network and data-aware placement of multi-tier applications in cloud data centers
MH Ferdaus, M Murshed, RN Calheiros, R Buyya
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 98, 65-83, 2017
A hybrid object detection technique from dynamic background using Gaussian mixture models
M Haque, M Murshed, M Paul
2008 IEEE 10th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 915-920, 2008
An affine resilient curvature scale-space corner detector
M Awrangjeb, G Lu, M Murshed
2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2007
An efficient cooperative lane-changing algorithm for sensor-and communication-enabled automated vehicles
T Awal, M Murshed, M Ali
2015 ieee intelligent vehicles symposium (iv), 1328-1333, 2015
Gridsim: A toolkit for the modeling and simulation of global grids
M Murshed, R Buyya, D Abramson
Monash University Journal 1, 2001
Network-aware virtual machine placement and migration in cloud data centers
MH Ferdaus, M Murshed, RN Calheiros, R Buyya
Emerging research in cloud distributed computing systems, 42-91, 2015
An efficient transmission scheme for minimizing user waiting time in video-on-demand systems
SA Azad, M Murshed
IEEE Communications Letters 11 (3), 285-287, 2007
Video coding focusing on block partitioning and occlusion
M Paul, M Murshed
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19 (3), 691-701, 2009
New mobility based call admission control with on-demand borrowing scheme for QoS provisioning
MM Islam, M Murshed, LS Dooley
Proceedings ITCC 2003. International Conference on Information Technology …, 2003
Dynamic adjustment of sensing range for event coverage in wireless sensor networks
KM Alam, J Kamruzzaman, G Karmakar, M Murshed
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 46, 139-153, 2014
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Articles 1–20