A tabu search method for load balancing in fog computing N Téllez, M Jimeno, A Salazar, E Nino-Ruiz Int. J. Artif. Intell 16 (2), 1-30, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
Towards the evolution of smart home environments: A survey A Bejarano, B Fernandez, M Jimeno, A Salazar, P Wightman International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology 6 (3), 105-136, 2016 | 34 | 2016 |
Healthyblock: Blockchain-based it architecture for electronic medical records resilient to connectivity failures O Gutiérrez, G Romero, L Pérez, A Salazar, M Charris, P Wightman International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (19), 7132, 2020 | 28 | 2020 |
Hemoglobin screening using cloud-based mobile photography applications LM Noriega, PW Rojas, AS Silva Ingeniería y Universidad 23 (2), 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
NRand‐K: Minimizing the impact of location obfuscation in spatial analysis M Zurbarán, P Wightman, M Brovelli, D Oxoli, M Iliffe, M Jimeno, A Salazar Transactions in GIS 22 (5), 1257-1274, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
An evaluation framework for assessing the impact of location privacy on geospatial analysis MA Zurbarán, A Salazar, MA Brovelli, PM Wightman IEEE Access 8, 158224-158236, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
Cluster-based classification of blockchain consensus algorithms F Aponte, L Gutierrez, M Pineda, I Meriño, A Salazar, P Wightman IEEE Latin America Transactions 19 (4), 688-696, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
θ-Rand: Random noise-based location obfuscation based on circle sectors P Wightman, M Zurbaran, E Zurek, A Salazar, D Jabba, M Jimeno 2013 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications, 100-104, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
User-centered differential privacy mechanisms for electronic medical records O Gutierrez, JJ Saavedra, M Zurbaran, A Salazar, PM Wightman 2018 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), 1-5, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Detection of mycobcaterium tuberculosis in microscopic images of ziehl-neelsen-stained sputum smears lacnem 2015 M Rico-Garcia, A Salazar, CA Madrigal, LJ Morantes-Guzman, ... 6th Latin-American Conference on Networked and Electronic Media (LACNEM 2015 …, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Operational Indicators of the learning management system in virtual spaces supported by ICT J Capacho, M Jımeno, A Salazar Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 20 (3), 103-118, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Evaluación de calidad de la atención de caries dental en una clínica de la facultad odontológica de la UAZ, México A Salazar Monografías [en línea] Septiembre de, 2000 | 10 | 2000 |
Hábitos de salud en la juventud de Valencia FJ Bueno, V Gavidia, J Gómez, A Salazar, J Sieres, JC Valderrama Ajuntament de València. Programa Municipal de drogodependencias, 1995 | 10 | 1995 |
Characterization of Quality Attributes to Evaluate the User Experience in Augmented Reality LE Gutiérrez, MM Betts, P Wightman, A Salazar, D Jabba, W Nieto IEEE Access 10, 112639-112656, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Variaciones Físico-Químicas de la Sardina (Sardinella aurita) durante el proceso de salado-madurado en seco C Gutiérrez, A Salazar, D González Fundación la Salle de Ciencias Naturales. Estación de Investigaciones …, 2003 | 9 | 2003 |
Bc-med: Plataforma de registros médicos electrónicos sobre tecnología blockchain O Gutiérrez, JJ Saavedra, PM Wightman, A Salazar 2018 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing, COLCOM 2018 …, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Un videojuego para estimular habilidades matemáticas en personas con síndrome de Down LE GARCIA, RJ MEJIA, A SALAZAR, CE GOMEZ Revista Espacios 40 (05), 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
A model to assess efficiency in e-training for significant learning (E-TSL) J Capacho, A Salazar, M Jimeno Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering …, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Variables related to risk taking behavior for HIV transmission among drug-dependent patients G Cervera, JC Valderrama, F Bolinches, A Salazar, J Martinez Actas Luso-Españolas de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Ciencias afines 26 (3 …, 1998 | 6 | 1998 |
Fast identification process of library call numbers for on the shelf books using image processing and artificial intelligence techniques EE Zurek, G Guerrero, C Reyes, RJ Hernández, D Jabba, PM Wightman, ... 2013 Ieee symposium on industrial electronics & applications, 222-226, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |