J. Elizabeth Richey
J. Elizabeth Richey
Teaching Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh
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When is it better to learn together? Insights from research on collaborative learning
TJ Nokes-Malach, JE Richey, S Gadgil
Educational Psychology Review 27, 645-656, 2015
Direct Instruction of Metacognition Benefits Adolescent Science Learning, Transfer, and Motivation: An In Vivo Study.
CD Zepeda, JE Richey, P Ronevich, TJ Nokes-Malach
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2015
More confusion and frustration, better learning: The impact of erroneous examples
JE Richey, JML Andres-Bray, M Mogessie, R Scruggs, JMAL Andres, ...
Computers & Education 139, 173-190, 2019
How much is too much? Learning and motivation effects of adding instructional explanations to worked examples
JE Richey, TJ Nokes-Malach
Learning and Instruction 25, 104-124, 2013
Comparing four instructional techniques for promoting robust knowledge
JE Richey, TJ Nokes-Malach
Educational Psychology Review 27, 181-218, 2015
Science diaries: A brief writing intervention to improve motivation to learn science
M Bernacki, T Nokes-Malach, JE Richey, DM Belenky
Educational Psychology 36 (1), 26-46, 2016
How instructional context can impact learning with educational technology: Lessons from a study with a digital learning game
BM McLaren, JE Richey, H Nguyen, X Hou
Computers & Education 178, 104366, 2022
The impact of CSCL beyond the online environment
SN Clarke, G Chen, C Stainton, S Katz, JG Greeno, LB Resnick, G Dyke, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Gaming and confrustion explain learning advantages for a math digital learning game
JE Richey, J Zhang, R Das, JM Andres-Bray, R Scruggs, M Mogessie, ...
International conference on artificial intelligence in education, 342-355, 2021
Educational equity through combined human-AI personalization: A propensity matching evaluation
DR Chine, C Brentley, C Thomas-Browne, JE Richey, A Gul, PF Carvalho, ...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 366-377, 2022
Exploring the subtleties of agency and indirect control in digital learning games
E Harpstead, JE Richey, H Nguyen, BM McLaren
Proceedings of the 9th international Conference on Learning Analytics …, 2019
Collaborative learning: The benefits and costs.
TJ Nokes-Malach, CD Zepeda, JE Richey, S Gadgil
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Assessing the effects of open models of learning and enjoyment in a digital learning game
X Hou, HA Nguyen, JE Richey, E Harpstead, J Hammer, BM McLaren
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 1-31, 2022
A general multi-method approach to data-driven redesign of tutoring systems
Y Huang, NG Lobczowski, JE Richey, EA McLaughlin, MW Asher, ...
LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 161-172, 2021
Exploring how gender and enjoyment impact learning in a digital learning game
X Hou, HA Nguyen, JE Richey, BM McLaren
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 21st International Conference, AIED …, 2020
Comparing class-and task-level measures of achievement goals
JE Richey, ML Bernacki, DM Belenky, TJ Nokes-Malach
The Journal of Experimental Education 86 (4), 560-578, 2018
Computer-supported human mentoring for personalized and equitable math learning
P Schaldenbrand, NG Lobczowski, JE Richey, S Gupta, EA McLaughlin, ...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 308-313, 2021
Is the Link from Working Memory to Analogy Causal? No Analogy Improvements following Working Memory Training Gains
JE Richey, JS Phillips, CD Schunn, W Schneider
PLOS ONE 9 (9), e106616, 2014
The impact of gender in learning with games: A consistent effect in a math learning game
HA Nguyen, X Hou, JE Richey, BM McLaren
International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) 12 (1), 1-29, 2022
Knowledge transfer
TJ Nokes-Malach, JE Richey
Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Wiley Online Library …, 2015
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