Dean, College of Information, The University of North Texas
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Augmented Reality Trends in Education: A Systematic Review of Research and Applications
J Bacca, S Baldiris, R Fabregat, S Graf, Kinshuk
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 17 (4), 133-149, 2014
Is FLIP enough? Or should we use the FLIPPED model instead?
Y Chen, Y Wang, Kinshuk, NS Chen
Computers & Education 79, 16-27, 2014
One-to-One Technology-Enhanced Learning: An Opportunity for Global Research Collaboration
TW Chan, J Roschelle, HSI SHERRY, Kinshuk, M Sharples, T Brown, ...
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 1 (1), 3-29, 2006
Examining the factors influencing participants’ knowledge sharing behavior in virtual learning communities
IYL Chen, NS Chen, Kinshuk
Educational Technology & Society 12 (1), 134-148, 2009
A Model for Social Presence in an Online Classroom
CW Wei, NS Chen, Kinshuk
18th International Conference on Computers in Education, 718-722, 2010
Effects of short-term memory and content representation type on mobile language learning
NS Chen, SW Hsieh, Kinshuk
Language learning & technology 12 (3), 93-113, 2008
Supporting Teachers in Identifying Students' Learning Styles in Learning Management Systems: An Automatic Student Modelling Approach
S Graf, Kinshuk, TC Liu
Educational Technology & Society 12 (4), 3-14, 2009
Factors impacting teachers' adoption of mobile learning
K Mac Callum, L Jeffrey, Kinshuk
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 13, 141-162, 2014
A model for synchronous learning using the Internet
NS Chen, HC Ko, Kinshuk, T Lin
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 42 (2), 181-194, 2005
Evolution Is not enough: Revolutionizing Current Learning Environments to Smart Learning Environments
Kinshuk, NS Chen, IL Cheng, SW Chew
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 26 (2), 561-581, 2016
How do pedagogical approaches affect the impact of augmented reality on education? A meta-analysis and research synthesis
J Garzón, Kinshuk, S Baldiris, J Gutiérrez, J Pavón
Educational Research Review 31,, 2020
Personalised learning: educational, technological and standardisation perspective
D Sampson, C Karagiannidis, D Kinshuk
Digital Education Review, 24-39, 2010
Analysis of learners' navigational behaviour and their learning styles in an online course
S Graf, TC Liu, Kinshuk
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 26 (2), 116-131, 2010
A blended synchronous learning model for educational international collaboration
M Hastie, IC Hung, NS Chen, Kinshuk
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 47 (1), 9-24, 2010
Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training (2nd Ed.)
HH Adelsberger, Kinshuk, JM Pawlowski, D Sampson
Springer, 2008
A fully personalization strategy of E-learning scenarios
F Essalmi, L JemniBenAyed, M Jemni, Kinshuk, S Graf
Computers in Human Behavior 26 (4), 581-591, 2010
An investigation of attitudes of students and teachers about participating in a context‐aware ubiquitous learning activity
JL Shih, HC Chu, GJ Hwang, Kinshuk
British Journal of Educational Technology 42 (3), 373-394, 2011
Adaptability and adaptivity in learning systems
R Oppermann, R Rashev, Kinshuk
Knowledge transfer 2, 173-179, 1997
Comparing the role of ICT literacy and anxiety in the adoption of mobile learning
K Mac Callum, L Jeffrey, Kinshuk
Computers in Human Behavior 39, 8-19, 2014
Learning styles and cognitive traits–Their relationship and its benefits in web-based educational systems
S Graf, TC Liu, Kinshuk, NS Chen, SJH Yang
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (6), 1280-1289, 2009
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Articles 1–20