Azam Bastanfard
Azam Bastanfard
Artificial Intelligence Department
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Cited by
A new algorithm for age recognition from facial images
MM Dehshibi, A Bastanfard
Signal Processing 90 (8), 2431-2444, 2010
Iranian face database with age, pose and expression
A Bastanfard, MA Nik, MM Dehshibi
2007 International Conference on Machine Vision, 50-55, 2007
TRCLA: a transfer learning approach to reduce negative transfer for cellular learning automata
SAH Minoofam, A Bastanfard, MR Keyvanpour
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2023
Toward anthropometrics simulation of face rejuvenation and skin cosmetic
A Bastanfard, O Bastanfard, H Takahashi, M Nakajima
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 15 (3‐4), 347-352, 2004
A personalized gamification method for increasing user engagement in social networks
M Hajarian, A Bastanfard, J Mohammadzadeh, M Khalilian
Social Network Analysis and Mining 9, 1-14, 2019
An objective method to evaluate exemplar‐based inpainted images quality using Jaccard index
D Amirkhani, A Bastanfard
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (17), 26199-26212, 2021
Pattern Separation Network Based on the Hippocampus Activity for Handwritten Recognition
N Modhej, A Bastanfard, M Teshnehlab, S Raiesdana
IEEE Access 8, 212803-212817, 2020
Toward E-appearance of human face and hair by age, expression and rejuvenation
A Bastanfard, H Takahashi, M Nakajima
2004 International conference on Cyberworlds, 306-311, 2004
RALF: an adaptive reinforcement learning framework for teaching dyslexic students
SAH Minoofam, A Bastanfard, MR Keyvanpour
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (5), 6389-6412, 2022
Introducing fuzzy like in social networks and its effects on advertising profits and human behavior
M Hajarian, A Bastanfard, J Mohammadzadeh, M Khalilian
Computers in Human Behavior 77, 282-293, 2017
Clustering Persian viseme using phoneme subspace for developing visual speech application
M Aghaahmadi, MM Dehshibi, A Bastanfard, M Fazlali
Multimedia tools and applications 65 (3), 521-541, 2013
A novel multimedia educational speech therapy system for hearing impaired children
A Bastanfard, NA Rezaei, M Mottaghizadeh, M Fazel
Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, 705-715, 2010
RLAS‐BIABC: A Reinforcement Learning‐Based Answer Selection Using the BERT Model Boosted by an Improved ABC Algorithm
H Gharagozlou, J Mohammadzadeh, A Bastanfard, SS Ghidary
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 7839840, 2022
Persian speech emotion recognition
M Savargiv, A Bastanfard
2015 7th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT), 1-5, 2015
Persian viseme classification for developing visual speech training application
A Bastanfard, M Aghaahmadi, M Fazel, M Moghadam
Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, 1080-1085, 2009
SNEFL: Social network explicit fuzzy like dataset and its application for Incel detection
M Hajarian, A Bastanfard, J Mohammadzadeh, M Khalilian
Multimedia tools and applications 78 (23), 33457-33486, 2019
Text material design for fuzzy emotional speech corpus based on persian semantic and structure
M Savargiv, A Bastanfard
2013 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY …, 2013
A comprehensive audio-visual corpus for teaching sound persian phoneme articulation
A Bastanfard, AA Kelishami, M Fazel, M Aghaahmadi
2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 169-174, 2009
Real-time speech emotion recognition by minimum number of features
M Savargiv, A Bastanfard
2016 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (IRANOPEN), 10.1109/RIOS.2016 …, 2016
Toward competitive multi-agents in Polo game based on reinforcement learning
Z Movahedi, A Bastanfard
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (17), 26773-26793, 2021
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Articles 1–20