Donald Palmer
Donald Palmer
Professor of Management, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis
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Cited by
Late adoption of the multidivisional form by large US corporations: Institutional, political, and economic accounts
DA Palmer, PD Jennings, X Zhou
Administrative science quarterly, 100-131, 1993
Organizations gone wild: The causes, processes, and consequences of organizational misconduct
HR Greve, D Palmer, JE Pozner
Academy of Management annals 4 (1), 53-107, 2010
Broken ties: Interlocking directorates and intercorporate coordination
D Palmer
Administrative science quarterly, 40-55, 1983
Challengers, elites, and owning families: A social class theory of corporate acquisitions in the 1960s
D Palmer, BM Barber
Administrative Science Quarterly 46 (1), 87-120, 2001
Lost in space: The geography of corporate interlocking directorates
C Kono, D Palmer, R Friedland, M Zafonte
American journal of sociology 103 (4), 863-911, 1998
Normal organizational wrongdoing: A critical analysis of theories of misconduct in and by organizations
D Palmer
Oxford University Press, USA, 2012
The ties that bind: Organizational and class bases of stability in a corporate interlock network
D Palmer, R Friedland, JV Singh
American Sociological Review, 781-796, 1986
Fraud in accounting, organizations and society: Extending the boundaries of research
DJ Cooper, T Dacin, D Palmer
Accounting, Organizations and Society 38 (6-7), 440-457, 2013
The friendly and predatory acquisition of large US corporations in the 1960s: The other contested terrain
D Palmer, BM Barber, X Zhou, Y Soysal
American sociological review, 469-499, 1995
The economics and politics of structure: The multidivisional form and the large US corporation
D Palmer, R Friedland, PD Jennings, ME Powers
Administrative Science Quarterly, 25-48, 1987
Extending the process model of collective corruption
D Palmer
Research in organizational behavior 28, 107-135, 2008
Is the new institutionalism a theory?
D Palmer, N Biggart, B Dick
The SAGE handbook of organizational institutionalism, 738-768, 2008
Organizational institutions
DA Palmer, NW Biggart
The Blackwell companion to organizations, 257-280, 2017
Park place and main street: Business and the urban power structure
R Friedland, D Palmer
Annual Review of Sociology, 393-416, 1984
Rigor and relevance in organization studies
D Palmer, B Dick, N Freiburger
Journal of Management Inquiry 18 (4), 265-272, 2009
Developing the process model of collective corruption
D Palmer, MW Maher
Journal of Management Inquiry 15 (4), 363-370, 2006
Clinical practice guidelines in pediatric and newborn medicine: implications for their use in practice
TA Merritt, D Palmer, DA Bergman, PH Shiono
Pediatrics 99 (1), 100-114, 1997
Taking Stock of the Criteria We Use to Evaluate One Another's Work: ASQ 50 Years Out
D Palmer
Administrative Science Quarterly 51 (4), 535-559, 2006
Organizational wrongdoing: Key perspectives and new directions
D Palmer, R Greenwood, K Smith-Crowe
Cambridge University Press, 2016
Toward a more comprehensive analysis of the role of organizational culture in child sexual abuse in institutional contexts
D Palmer, V Feldman
Child abuse & neglect 74, 23-34, 2017
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Articles 1–20