Sanjay Kumar Pandey
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Cited by
Peristaltic flow of viscoelastic fluid with fractional Maxwell model through a channel
D Tripathi, SK Pandey, S Das
Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (10), 3645-3654, 2010
Peristaltic transport of blood in small vessels: study of a mathematical model
JC Misra, SK Pandey
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 43 (8-9), 1183-1193, 2002
A mathematical model for oesophageal swallowing of a food-bolus
JC Misra, SK Pandey
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 33 (8-9), 997-1009, 2001
Peristaltic flow of a micropolar fluid through a porous medium in the presence of an external magnetic field
SK Pandey, MK Chaube
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (9), 3591-3601, 2011
Peristaltic transport of a non-Newtonian fluid with a peripheral layer
JC Misra, SK Pandey
International Journal of Engineering Science 37 (14), 1841-1858, 1999
Peristaltic transport of a generalized Burgers’ fluid: application to the movement of chyme in small intestine
D Tripathi, SK Pandey, S Das
Acta astronautica 69 (1-2), 30-38, 2011
Mathematical modelling of heat transfer effects on swallowing dynamics of viscoelastic food bolus through the human oesophagus
D Tripathi, SK Pandey, OA Bég
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 70, 41-53, 2013
Unsteady model of transportation of Jeffrey-fluid by peristalsis
SK Pandey, D Tripathi
International Journal of Biomathematics 3 (04), 473-491, 2010
Peristaltic transport in a tapered tube
JC Misra, SK Pandey
Mathematical and computer modelling 22 (8), 137-151, 1995
Peristaltic flow of a multilayered power-law fluid through a cylindrical tube
JC Misra, SK Pandey
International Journal of Engineering Science 39 (4), 387-402, 2001
Peristaltic transport of a particle-fluid suspension in a cylindrical tube
JC Misra, SK Pandey
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 28 (4), 131-145, 1994
Rheological fluid motion in tube by metachronal waves of cilia
S Maiti, SK Pandey
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 38, 393-410, 2017
Peristaltic transport of a Casson fluid in a finite channel: application to flows of concentrated fluids in oesophagus
SK Pandey, D Tripathi
International Journal of Biomathematics 3 (04), 453-472, 2010
Peristaltic transport of a visco-elastic fluid in a tube of non-uniform cross section
SK Pandey, MK Chaube
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 52 (3-4), 501-514, 2010
Influence of magnetic field on the peristaltic flow of a viscous fluid through a finite-length cylindrical tube
SK Pandey, D Tripathi
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 7 (3), 169-176, 2010
Study of wall properties on peristaltic transport of a couple stress fluid
SK Pandey, MK Chaube
Meccanica 46, 1319-1330, 2011
Peristaltic transport of multilayered power-law fluids with distinct viscosities: a mathematical model for intestinal flows
SK Pandey, MK Chaube, D Tripathi
Journal of Theoretical Biology 278 (1), 11-19, 2011
Peristaltic flow characterstics of maxwell and magnetohydrodynamic fluids in finite channels: Models for oesophageal swallowing
SK Pandey, D Tripathi
Journal of Biological Systems 18 (03), 621-647, 2010
Slip effect on peristaltic transport of micropolar fluid
MK Chaube, SK Pandey, D Tripathi
Appl. Math. Sci 4 (43), 2015-2117, 2010
A mathematical model for peristaltic transport of micro‐polar fluids
SK Pandey, D Tripathi
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 8 (3-4), 279-293, 2011
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Articles 1–20