Jose C. Valverde
Cited by
Cited by
Parallel discrete dynamical systems on maxterm and minterm Boolean functions
JA Aledo, S Martinez, FL Pelayo, JC Valverde
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55 (3-4), 666-671, 2012
Parallel dynamical systems over directed dependency graphs
JA Aledo, S Martinez, JC Valverde
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (3), 1114-1119, 2012
Dynamics of infectious diseases: A review of the main biological aspects and their mathematical translation
DY Trejos, JC Valverde, E Venturino
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 7 (1), 1-26, 2022
Parallel discrete dynamical systems on independent local functions
JA Aledo, S Martinez, JC Valverde
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 237 (1), 335-339, 2013
Control strategies of hepatitis B with three control variables
MA Khan, S Islam, JC Valverde, SA Khan
Journal of Biological Systems 26 (01), 1-21, 2018
A mathematical model for Babesiosis disease in bovine and tick populations
DF Aranda, DY Trejos, JC Valverde, RJ Villanueva
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 35 (3), 249-256, 2012
Parallel dynamical systems over graphs and related topics: a survey
JA Aledo, S Martinez, JC Valverde
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2015, 2015
Graph dynamical systems with general Boolean states
JA Aledo, S Martinez, JC Valverde
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 9 (4), 1803-1808, 2015
Updating method for the computation of orbits in parallel and sequential dynamical systems
JA Aledo, S Martinez, JC Valverde
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 90 (9), 1796-1808, 2013
On periods and equilibria of computational sequential systems
JA Aledo, LG Diaz, S Martinez, JC Valverde
Information Sciences 409, 27-34, 2017
A discrete epidemic model for bovine Babesiosis disease and tick populations
DF Aranda, DY Trejos, JC Valverde
Open Physics 15 (1), 360-369, 2017
Biological conservation through marine protected areas in the presence of alternative stable states
B Ghosh, D Pal, TK Kar, JC Valverde
Mathematical biosciences 286, 49-57, 2017
On the periods of parallel dynamical systems
JA Aledo, LG Diaz, S Martinez, JC Valverde
Complexity 2017, 2017
Bifurcations under nondegenerated conditions of higher degree and a new simple proof of the Hopf–Neimark–Sacker bifurcation theorem
F Balibrea, JC Valverde
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 237 (1), 93-105, 1999
Modeling and analysis of departure routine in air traffic control based on Petri nets
A Sadiq, F Ahmad, SA Khan, JC Valverde, T Naz, MW Anwar
Neural Computing and Applications 25, 1099-1109, 2014
Parallel dynamical systems over special digraph classes
JA Aledo, S Martinez, JC Valverde
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 90 (10), 2039-2048, 2013
Maximum number of periodic orbits in parallel dynamical systems
JA Aledo, LG Diaz, S Martinez, JC Valverde
Information Sciences 468, 63-71, 2018
Modeling the dynamics of concurrent computing systems
JLG Guirao, FL Pelayo, JC Valverde
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 61 (5), 1402-1406, 2011
Population dynamics of a two-stage migratory species with predation and capture
AM Atehortúa, LM Ladino, JC Valverde
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 16, 27-39, 2014
Local bifurcations of continuous dynamical systems under higher order conditions
F Balibrea, A Martinez, JC Valverde
Applied Mathematics Letters 23 (3), 230-234, 2010
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Articles 1–20