Michelle Pidgeon
Cited by
Cited by
More than a checklist: Meaningful Indigenous inclusion in higher education
M Pidgeon
Social inclusion 4 (1), 77-91, 2016
Pushing against the margins: Indigenous theorizing of “success” and retention in higher education
M Pidgeon
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 10 (3 …, 2008
The way of the warrior: Indigenous youth navigating the challenges of schooling
J Hare, M Pidgeon
Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation 34 (2), 93-111, 2011
Educational expectations, parental social class, gender, and postsecondary attainment: A 10-year perspective
L Andres, M Adamuti-Trache, ES Yoon, M Pidgeon, JP Thomsen
Youth & society 39 (2), 135-163, 2007
Relationships Matter: Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Students in British Columbia, Canada.
M Pidgeon, J Archibald, C Hawkey
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 44 (1), 1-21, 2014
Researching with Aboriginal peoples: Practices and principles
M Pidgeon, DGH Cox
Canadian Journal of Native Education 26 (2), 2002
Living Indigenous leadership: Native narratives on building strong communities
C Kenny, TN Fraser
UBC press, 2012
Moving between theory and practice within an Indigenous research paradigm
M Pidgeon
Qualitative Research 19 (4), 418-436, 2019
Pulling together: A guide for front-line staff, student services, and advisors
I Cull, D Biin, J Simcoe, M Erickson, RLA Hancock, S McKeown, ...
BCcampus, 2018
Indian Control of Indian Education: Reflections and Envisioning the Next40 Years
M Pidgeon, M Muñoz, VJ Kirkness, J Archibald
Canadian Journal of Native Education 39 (1), 2017
Moving beyond good intentions: Indigenizing higher education in British Columbia universities through institutional responsibility and accountability
M Pidgeon
Journal of American Indian Education 53 (2), 7-28, 2014
It takes more than good intentions: Institutional accountability and responsibility to Indigenous higher education
ME Pidgeon
University of British Columbia, 2008
Indigenous university student persistence
P Walton, K Hamilton, N Clark, M Pidgeon, M Arnouse
Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation 43 (2), 430-464, 2020
Australian teachers voice their perceptions of the influences of stereotypes, mindsets and school structure on teachers’ expectations of Indigenous students
T Riley, M Pidgeon
Teaching Education 30 (2), 123-144, 2019
Transformation and Indigenous interconnections
M Pidgeon
Living Indigenous leadership: Native narratives on building strong …, 2012
Teacher recruitment, retention and training: Implications for First Nations education: A literature review
J Archibald, M Pidgeon, S Janvier, H Commodore, R McCormick
Minister's National Working Group on Education, 2002
Understanding the Application and Use of Indigenous Research Methodologies in the Social Sciences by Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Scholars.
M Pidgeon, T Riley
International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 17 (8), n8, 2021
Across the divide: Critical conversations on decolonization, indigenization, and internationalization
K Beck, M Pidgeon
International education as public policy in Canada, 384-406, 2020
Looking forward...: a national perspective on aboriginal student services in Canadian universities
M Pidgeon
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2001
Demands, challenges, and rewards: The first year experiences of international and domestic students at four Canadian universities
M Pidgeon, L Andres
Vancouver, BC, Canada: Department of Educational Studies, University of …, 2005
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Articles 1–20