Jonas Andreas Sibbesen
Jonas Andreas Sibbesen
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A draft human pangenome reference
WW Liao, M Asri, J Ebler, D Doerr, M Haukness, G Hickey, S Lu, JK Lucas, ...
Nature 617 (7960), 312-324, 2023
Pangenome graphs
JM Eizenga, AM Novak, JA Sibbesen, S Heumos, A Ghaffaari, G Hickey, ...
Annual review of genomics and human genetics 21, 139-162, 2020
Pangenomics enables genotyping of known structural variants in 5202 diverse genomes
J Sirén, J Monlong, X Chang, AM Novak, JM Eizenga, C Markello, ...
Science 374 (6574), abg8871, 2021
Genotyping structural variants in pangenome graphs using the vg toolkit
G Hickey, D Heller, J Monlong, JA Sibbesen, J Sirén, J Eizenga, ...
Genome biology 21, 1-17, 2020
Next-generation biology: sequencing and data analysis approaches for non-model organisms
RR da Fonseca, A Albrechtsen, GE Themudo, J Ramos-Madrigal, ...
Marine Genomics 30, 3-13, 2016
Sequencing and de novo assembly of 150 genomes from Denmark as a population reference
L Maretty, JM Jensen, B Petersen, JA Sibbesen, S Liu, P Villesen, L Skov, ...
Nature 548 (7665), 87-91, 2017
Bayesian transcriptome assembly
L Maretty, JA Sibbesen, A Krogh
Genome biology 15 (10), 1-11, 2014
Accurate genotyping across variant classes and lengths using variant graphs
JA Sibbesen, L Maretty, Danish Pan-Genome Consortium, A Krogh
Nature genetics 50 (7), 1054-1059, 2018
Haplotype-aware pantranscriptome analyses using spliced pangenome graphs
JA Sibbesen, JM Eizenga, AM Novak, J Sirén, X Chang, E Garrison, ...
Nature Methods, 1-9, 2023
Analysis of 62 hybrid assembled human Y chromosomes exposes rapid structural changes and high rates of gene conversion
L Skov, Danish Pan Genome Consortium, MH Schierup
PLoS genetics 13 (8), e1006834, 2017
Benchmarking the HLA typing performance of Polysolver and Optitype in 50 Danish parental trios
ML Matey-Hernandez, S Brunak, JMG Izarzugaza
BMC bioinformatics 19, 1-12, 2018
Genotyping common, large structural variations in 5,202 genomes using pangenomes, the Giraffe mapper, and the vg toolkit
J Sirén, J Monlong, X Chang, AM Novak, JM Eizenga, C Markello, ...
Biorxiv, 2020.12. 04.412486, 2020
Discovery, genotyping and characterization of structural variation and novel sequence at single nucleotide resolution from de novo genome assemblies on a …
S Liu, S Huang, J Rao, W Ye, Genome Denmark Consortium, A Krogh, ...
Gigascience 4 (1), s13742-015-0103-4, 2015
Assembly and analysis of 100 full MHC haplotypes from the Danish population
JM Jensen, P Villesen, RM Friborg, T Mailund, S Besenbacher, ...
Genome research 27 (9), 1597-1607, 2017
Combined use of Oxford Nanopore and Illumina sequencing yields insights into soybean structural variation biology
MA Lemay, JA Sibbesen, D Torkamaneh, J Hamel, RC Levesque, ...
BMC biology 20 (1), 1-24, 2022
A strategy for building and using a human reference pangenome
B Llamas, G Narzisi, V Schneider, PA Audano, E Biederstedt, L Blauvelt, ...
F1000Research 8 (1751), 1751, 2021
Coalescent inference using serially sampled, high-throughput sequencing data from intrahost HIV infection
K Dialdestoro, JA Sibbesen, L Maretty, J Raghwani, A Gall, P Kellam, ...
Genetics 202 (4), 1449-1472, 2016
RNA Sequencing of Trigeminal Ganglia in Rattus Norvegicus after Glyceryl Trinitrate Infusion with Relevance to Migraine
S Hougaard Pedersen, L Maretty, R Ramachandran, JA Sibbesen, ...
PloS one 11 (5), e0155039, 2016
Probabilistic transcriptome assembly and variant graph genotyping
JA Sibbesen
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 2016
Coalescent inference using serially sampled, high-throughput sequencing data from HIV infected patients
K Dialdestoro, JA Sibbesen, L Maretty, J Raghwani, A Gall, P Kellam, ...
bioRxiv, 020552, 2015
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Artículos 1–20