Frank Petzold
Frank Petzold
Professor für Architekturinformatik, TU München
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Graph-based retrieval of building information models for supporting the early design stages
C Langenhan, M Weber, M Liwicki, F Petzold, A Dengel
Advanced Engineering Informatics 27 (4), 413-426, 2013
Automatic analysis and sketch-based retrieval of architectural floor plans
S Ahmed, M Weber, M Liwicki, C Langenhan, A Dengel, F Petzold
Pattern Recognition Letters 35, 91-100, 2014
The fingerprint of architecture-sketch-based design methods for researching building layouts through the semantic fingerprinting of floor plans
C Langenhan, F Petzold
International electronic scientific-educational journal: Architecture and …, 2010
Tangible mixed reality on-site: Interactive augmented visualisations from architectural working models in urban design
G Schubert, D Schattel, M Tönnis, G Klinker, F Petzold
Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. The Next City-New Technologies …, 2015
Spatial augmented reality for architecture—designing and planning with and within existing buildings
C Tonn, F Petzold, O Bimber, A Grundhöfer, D Donath
International Journal of Architectural Computing 6 (1), 41-58, 2008
Consistent management and evaluation of building models in the early design stages
J Abualdenien, P Schneider-Marin, A Zahedi, H Harter, H Exner, ...
Journal of Information Technology in Construction 25, 212-232, 2020
a. SCatch: semantic structure for architectural floor plan retrieval
M Weber, C Langenhan, T Roth-Berghofer, M Liwicki, A Dengel, F Petzold
Case-Based Reasoning. Research and Development: 18th International …, 2010
Thinking With Containers: A Multi-Agent Retrieval Approach for the Case-Based Semantic Search of Architectural Designs.
V Ayzenshtadt, C Langenhan, SS Bukhari, KD Althoff, F Petzold, A Dengel
ICAART (1), 149-156, 2016
Augmented reality techniques for design and revitalisation in existing built environments
D Donath, J Beetz, K Grether, F Petzold, H Seichter
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Association for Computer …, 2001
A real-time 4D augmented reality system for modular construction progress monitoring
ZY Lin, F Petzold, ZL Ma
ISARC. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics …, 2019
Interactive Virtual Reality Tool for BIM Based on IFC
A Nandavar, F Petzold, D Nassif, G Schubert, B Ag
Learning, Adapting and Prototyping, Proceedings of the 23rd International …, 2018
Migrating the classical pen-and-paper based conceptual sketching of architecture plans towards computer tools-prototype design and evaluation
J Bayer, SS Bukhari, C Langenhan, M Liwicki, KD Althoff, F Petzold, ...
Graphic Recognition. Current Trends and Challenges: 11th International …, 2017
Automated generation of building fingerprints using a spatio-semantic query language for building information models
S Daum, A Borrmann, C Langenhan, F Petzold
Proc., eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction …, 2014
A (Collaborative) Design Platform for early design stages
G Schubert, E Artinger, F Petzold, G Klinker
eCAADe 2011, 187, 2011
CAVE without CAVE–on-site visualization and design support in and within existing buildings.
F Petzold, O Bimber, C Tonn
Predicting the Future-eCAADe, 2007
Game. UP: gamified urban planning participation enhancing exploration, motivation, and interactions
SL Muehlhaus, C Eghtebas, N Seifert, G Schubert, F Petzold, G Klinker
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (2), 331-347, 2023
Comparative evaluation of rule-based and case-based retrieval coordination for search of architectural building designs
V Ayzenshtadt, C Langenhan, J Roith, S Bukhari, KD Althoff, F Petzold, ...
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 24th International Conference …, 2016
Distributed domain model for the case-based retrieval of architectural building designs
V Ayzenshtadt, C Langenhan, SS Bukhari, KD Althoff, F Petzold, A Dengel
Proceedings of the 20th UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning. UK Workshop on …, 2015
Tangible tools for architectural design–seamless integration into the architectural workflow
G Schubert, E Artinger, F Petzold, G Klinker
Proceedings of the 31nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer …, 2011
3D Virtuality Sketching: Interactive 3D-sketching based on real models in a virtual scene
G Schubert, E Artinger, V Yanev, F Petzold, G Klinker
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer …, 2012
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Articles 1–20