Andrew M Norris
Andrew M Norris
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz University Hospital
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Suprascapular nerve block for postoperative pain relief in arthroscopic shoulder surgery: a new modality?
ED Ritchie, D Tong, F Chung, AM Norris, A Miniaci, SD Vairavanathan
Anesthesia & Analgesia 84 (6), 1306-1312, 1997
Omission of nitrous oxide from a propofol-based anesthetic does not affect the recovery of women undergoing outpatient gynecologic surgery
RJ Arellano, ML Pole, SE Rafuse, M Fletcher, YG Saad, M Friedlander, ...
Anesthesiology 93 (2), 332-339, 2000
Should adult patients drink fluids before discharge from ambulatory surgery?
F Jin, A Norris, F Chung, T Ganeshram
Anesthesia & Analgesia 87 (2), 306-311, 1998
Simultaneous in situ temperature and relative humidity monitoring in mechanical ventilators using an array of functionalised optical fibre long period grating sensors
J Hromadka, NNM Hazlan, FU Hernandez, R Correia, A Norris, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 286, 306-314, 2019
Characterization and Use of a Fiber Optic Sensor Based on PAH/SiO2Film for Humidity Sensing in Ventilator Care Equipment
FU Hernandez, SP Morgan, BR Hayes-Gill, D Harvey, W Kinnear, A Norris, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (9), 1985-1992, 2016
Anaesthesia for airway surgery
J English, A Norris, N Bedforth
Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain 6 (1), 28-31, 2006
Massive haemorrhage in pregnancy
A Banks, A Norris
Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain 5 (6), 195-198, 2005
A firm foundation for progress in airway management
AM Norris, JG Hardman, T Asai
British journal of anaesthesia 106 (5), 613-616, 2011
Limitations of videolaryngoscopy
A Norris, T Heidegger
BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia 117 (2), 148-150, 2016
Cognitive Aids in Medicine Assessment Tool (CMAT): preliminary validation of a novel tool for the assessment of emergency cognitive aids
D Evans, R McCahon, M Barley, A Norris, A Khajuria, I Moppett
Anaesthesia 70 (8), 922-932, 2015
Carboxyl-fentanyl detection using optical fibre grating-based sensors functionalised with molecularly imprinted nanoparticles
WM Liu LL, Grillo F, Canfarotta F
Biosens Bioelectronics, 2021
When should diclofenac be given in ambulatory surgery: preoperatively or postoperatively?
A Norris, V Un, F Chung, S Thanamayooran, A Sandler, J Katz
Journal of clinical anesthesia 13 (1), 11-15, 2001
Cumulative sum (CUSUM) assessment and medical education: a square peg in a round hole.
A Norris, R McCahon
Anaesthesia 66 (4), 250-254, 2011
Pain during awake nasal intubation after topical cocaine or phenylephrine/lidocaine spray
DM Cara, AM Norris, LJ Neale
Anaesthesia 58 (8), 777-780, 2003
Mucosal injury following short‐term tracheal intubation: A novel animal model and composite tracheal injury score
R Sinha, R Correia, D Gardner, L Grau‐Roma, S De Brot, J Hardman, ...
Laryngoscope investigative otolaryngology 3 (4), 257-262, 2018
Iatrogenic airway injury
D Evans, J McGlashan, A Norris
BJA Education 15 (4), 184-189, 2015
Cadaveric study of movement of an unstable atlanto‐axial (C1/C2) cervical segment during laryngoscopy and intubation using the Airtraq®, Macintosh and McCoy …
RA McCahon, DA Evans, RW Kerslake, SH McClelland, JG Hardman, ...
Anaesthesia 70 (4), 452-461, 2015
Elevated porphyrins following propofol anaesthesia in acute intermittent porphyria
D Elcock, A Norris
Anaesthesia 49 (11), 957-958, 1994
A reflection-mode fibre-optic sensor for breath carbon dioxide measurement in healthcare
LL Liu, FH Hao, SP Morgan, R Correia, A Norris, S Korposh
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 22, 100254, 2019
Optical fiber sensors for monitoring in critical care
SP Morgan, S Korposh, L Liu, FU Hernandez, R Correia, A Norris, ...
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
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Articles 1–20