Nobuhiro Tsuji
Nobuhiro Tsuji
Kyoto University, Dept. Mater. Sci. & Eng.
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Novel ultra-high straining process for bulk materials—development of the accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process
Y Saito, H Utsunomiya, N Tsuji, T Sakai
Acta materialia 47 (2), 579-583, 1999
Ultra-fine grained bulk aluminum produced by accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process
Y Saito, N Tsuji, H Utsunomiya, T Sakai, RG Hong
Scripta mater. 39 (9), 1221-1227, 1998
Severe plastic deformation (SPD) processes for metals
A Azushima, R Kopp, A Korhonen, DY Yang, F Micari, GD Lahoti, ...
CIRP annals 57 (2), 716-735, 2008
Strength and ductility of ultrafine grained aluminum and iron produced by ARB and annealing
N Tsuji, Y Ito, Y Saito, Y Minamino
Scripta materialia 47 (12), 893-899, 2002
Crystallographic features of lath martensite in low-carbon steel
H Kitahara, R Ueji, N Tsuji, Y Minamino
Acta materialia 54 (5), 1279-1288, 2006
ARB (Accumulative Roll‐Bonding) and other new techniques to produce bulk ultrafine grained materials
N Tsuji, Y Saito, SH Lee, Y Minamino
Advanced Engineering Materials 5 (5), 338-344, 2003
Ultra-fine grained bulk steel produced by accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process
N Tsuji, Y Saito, H Utsunomiya, S Tanigawa
Scripta materialia 40 (7), 795-800, 1999
Hardening by annealing and softening by deformation in nanostructured metals
X Huang, N Hansen, N Tsuji
Science 312 (5771), 249-251, 2006
Heterostructured materials: superior properties from hetero-zone interaction
Y Zhu, K Ameyama, PM Anderson, IJ Beyerlein, H Gao, HS Kim, ...
Materials Research Letters 9 (1), 1-31, 2021
Strengthening mechanisms in nanostructured high-purity aluminium deformed to high strain and annealed
N Kamikawa, X Huang, N Tsuji, N Hansen
Acta Materialia 57 (14), 4198-4208, 2009
Friction stir welding of carbon steels
H Fujii, L Cui, N Tsuji, M Maeda, K Nakata, K Nogi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 429 (1-2), 50-57, 2006
Tensile properties and twinning behavior of high manganese austenitic steel with fine-grained structure
R Ueji, N Tsuchida, D Terada, N Tsuji, Y Tanaka, A Takemura, ...
Scripta Materialia 59 (9), 963-966, 2008
Friction stress and Hall-Petch relationship in CoCrNi equi-atomic medium entropy alloy processed by severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing
S Yoshida, T Bhattacharjee, Y Bai, N Tsuji
Scripta Materialia 134, 33-36, 2017
Role of shear strain in ultragrain refinement by accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process
SH Lee, Y Saito, N Tsuji, H Utsunomiya, T Sakai
Scripta Materialia 46 (4), 281-285, 2002
Ultragrain refinement of plain low carbon steel by cold-rolling and annealing of martensite
R Ueji, N Tsuji, Y Minamino, Y Koizumi
Acta Materialia 50 (16), 4177-4189, 2002
Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation: review of historical developments and recent advances
K Edalati, A Bachmaier, VA Beloshenko, Y Beygelzimer, VD Blank, ...
Materials Research Letters 10 (4), 163-256, 2022
Ultrafine-Grained AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Eutectic High-Entropy Alloy
IS Wani, T Bhattacharjee, S Sheikh, YP Lu, S Chatterjee, ...
Materials Research Letters 4 (3), 174-179, 2016
Microstructural evolution during accumulative roll-bonding of commercial purity aluminum
X Huang, N Tsuji, N Hansen, Y Minamino
Materials Science and Engineering: A 340 (1-2), 265-271, 2003
Friction stir welding of a high carbon steel
L Cui, H Fujii, N Tsuji, K Nogi
Scripta materialia 56 (7), 637-640, 2007
A new and simple process to obtain nano-structured bulk low-carbon steel with superior mechanical property
N Tsuji, R Ueji, Y Minamino, Y Saito
Scripta Materialia 46 (4), 305-310, 2002
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Articles 1–20