Yashar Deldjoo
Yashar Deldjoo
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (RtD-b) of Computer Science, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
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Current challenges and visions in music recommender systems research
M Schedl, H Zamani, CW Chen, Y Deldjoo, M Elahi
International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval 7, 95-116, 2018
Content-based video recommendation system based on stylistic visual features
Y Deldjoo, M Elahi, P Cremonesi, F Garzotto, P Piazzolla, M Quadrana
Journal on Data Semantics 5, 99-113, 2016
Recommender systems leveraging multimedia content
Y Deldjoo, M Schedl, P Cremonesi, G Pasi
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (5), 1-38, 2021
A survey on adversarial recommender systems: from attack/defense strategies to generative adversarial networks
Y Deldjoo, T Di Noia, FA Merra
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 1-38, 2022
Movie genome: alleviating new item cold start in movie recommendation
Y Deldjoo, MF Dacrema, MG Constantin, H Eghbal-Zadeh, S Cereda, ...
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 29, 291-343, 2019
A flexible framework for evaluating user and item fairness in recommender systems
Y Deldjoo, VW Anelli, H Zamani, A Bellogin, T Di Noia
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 1-47, 2021
Cpfair: Personalized consumer and producer fairness re-ranking for recommender systems
M Naghiaei, HA Rahmani, Y Deldjoo
Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2022
Using visual features based on MPEG-7 and deep learning for movie recommendation
Y Deldjoo, M Elahi, M Quadrana, P Cremonesi
International journal of multimedia information retrieval 7, 207-219, 2018
Recsys challenge 2017: Offline and online evaluation
F Abel, Y Deldjoo, M Elahi, D Kohlsdorf
Proceedings of the eleventh acm conference on recommender systems, 372-373, 2017
Fairness in recommender systems: research landscape and future directions
Y Deldjoo, D Jannach, A Bellogin, A Difonzo, D Zanzonelli
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 34 (1), 59-108, 2024
A Review of Modern Fashion Recommender Systems
Y Deldjoo, F Nazary, A Ramisa, J Mcauley, G Pellegrini, A Bellogin, ...
ACM Computing Surveys 56 (4), 1-37, 2023
Explaining recommender systems fairness and accuracy through the lens of data characteristics
Y Deldjoo, A Bellogin, T Di Noia
Information Processing & Management 58 (5), 102662, 2021
How Dataset Characteristics Affect the Robustness of Collaborative Recommendation Models
Y Deldjoo, T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, FA Merra
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2020
Multimedia recommender systems: Algorithms and challenges
Y Deldjoo, M Schedl, B Hidasi, Y Wei, X He
Recommender systems handbook, 973-1014, 2021
Audio-visual encoding of multimedia content for enhancing movie recommendations
Y Deldjoo, MG Constantin, H Eghbal-Zadeh, B Ionescu, M Schedl, ...
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 455-459, 2018
Exploring The Semantic Gap for Movie Recommendation
M Elahi, D Yashar, F Bakhshandegan Moghaddam, C Leonardo, ...
Proceedings of 11th ACM Conference of Recommender Systems, 2017
FedeRank: User Controlled Feedback with Federated Recommender Systems
VW Anelli, Y Deldjooo, T Di Noia, A Ferrara, F Narducci
European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'21), 2021
Content-driven music recommendation: Evolution, state of the art, and challenges
Y Deldjoo, M Schedl, P Knees
Computer Science Review 51, 100618, 2024
Adversarial machine learning in recommender systems (aml-recsys)
Y Deldjoo, T Di Noia, FA Merra
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Search and Data …, 2020
Towards Multi-Modal Conversational Information Seeking
Y Deldjoo, JR Trippas, H Zamani
The 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in …, 2021
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