Michael J MacKenzie
Michael J MacKenzie
Canada Research Chair in Child Well-Being, Professor of Social Work & Pediatrics
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Research strategies for capturing transactional models of development: The limits of the possible
AJ Sameroff, MJ Mackenzie
Development and psychopathology 15 (3), 613-640, 2003
A meta-analysis of experimental studies of diversion programs for juvenile offenders
CS Schwalbe, RE Gearing, MJ MacKenzie, KB Brewer, R Ibrahim
Clinical psychology review 32 (1), 26-33, 2012
Toward a cumulative ecological risk model for the etiology of child maltreatment
MJ MacKenzie, JB Kotch, LC Lee
Children and youth services review 33 (9), 1638-1647, 2011
Adaptation and translation of mental health interventions in Middle Eastern Arab countries: A systematic review of barriers to and strategies for effective treatment implementation
RE Gearing, CS Schwalbe, MJ MacKenzie, KB Brewer, RW Ibrahim, ...
International journal of social psychiatry 59 (7), 671-681, 2013
Who spanks infants and toddlers? Evidence from the fragile families and child well-being study
MJ MacKenzie, E Nicklas, J Brooks-Gunn, J Waldfogel
Children and youth services review 33 (8), 1364-1373, 2011
Spanking and child development across the first decade of life
MJ MacKenzie, E Nicklas, J Waldfogel, J Brooks-Gunn
Pediatrics 132 (5), e1118-e1125, 2013
Corporal punishment and child behavioural and cognitive outcomes through 5 years of age: Evidence from a contemporary urban birth cohort study
MJ MacKenzie, E Nicklas, J Waldfogel, J Brooks‐Gunn
Infant and child development 21 (1), 3-33, 2012
Monitoring Educational Equity
M National Academies of Sciences, Engineering
National Academies Press, 2019
Spanking and children’s externalizing behavior across the first decade of life: Evidence for transactional processes
MJ MacKenzie, E Nicklas, J Brooks-Gunn, J Waldfogel
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 658-669, 2015
A Quarter-Century of the Transactional Model: How Have Things Changed?.
AJ Sameroff, MJ Mackenzie
Zero to three (J) 24 (1), 14-22, 2003
Stigma and mental health treatment of adolescents with depression in Jordan
RE Gearing, MJ MacKenzie, RW Ibrahim, KB Brewer, JS Batayneh, ...
Community mental health journal 51, 111-117, 2015
A cumulative ecological–transactional risk model of child maltreatment and behavioral outcomes: Reconceptualizing early maltreatment report as risk factor
MJ MacKenzie, JB Kotch, LC Lee, A Augsberger, N Hutto
Children and Youth Services Review 33 (11), 2392-2398, 2011
Depressive symptoms during pregnancy: impact on neuroendocrine and neonatal outcomes
S Marcus, JF Lopez, S McDonough, MJ MacKenzie, H Flynn, CR Neal Jr, ...
Infant Behavior and development 34 (1), 26-34, 2011
Intimate partner violence and risk for child neglect during early childhood in a community sample of fragile families
E Nicklas, MJ Mackenzie
Journal of Family Violence 28, 17-29, 2013
Attachment theory and change processes in foster care
DJ Tucker, MJ MacKenzie
Children and Youth Services Review 34 (11), 2208-2219, 2012
Exploring associations between maternal adverse childhood experiences and child behavior
K Stepleton, EA Bosk, JF Duron, B Greenfield, K Ocasio, MJ MacKenzie
Children and Youth Services Review 95, 80-87, 2018
Parenting children with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or behaviour problems
RE Garner, RG Arim, DE Kohen, LM Lach, MJ MacKenzie, JC Brehaut, ...
Child: Care, Health and Development, 2011
Reconceptualizing medication adherence: Six phases of dynamic adherence
RE Gearing, L Townsend, M MacKenzie, A Charach
Harvard Review of Psychiatry 19 (4), 177-189, 2011
Separating families at the border—consequences for children’s health and well-being
MJ MacKenzie, E Bosk, CH Zeanah
New England Journal of Medicine 376 (24), 2314-2315, 2017
Contextual influences of parenting behaviors for children with neurodevelopmental disorders: results from a Canadian national survey
RG Arim, RE Garner, JC Brehaut, LM Lach, MJ MacKenzie, ...
Disability and rehabilitation 34 (26), 2222-2233, 2012
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